Our Research and Development area has been working since 2016 on the Development of Internal Tools, mainly focused on the areas of new product development, process improvement and computational models for internal use. Among the latter, the HELO Model for the projection of hourly marginal costs and the Complementary Services Model stand out.

Main studies carried out

In an electricity system that must face the climate crisis, it is essential to have the tools that allow cost-effectively analyzing the massive adoption of variable renewable energies, studying the increase of distributed resources such as distributed generation and electromobility in the electricity system, analyzing the costs and benefits of new technologies such as storage (e.g., electro-chemical, pumping, compressed air), electrolyzers (green hydrogen), reverse osmosis plants, among others.
Many of these challenges require special tools that adapt to the complexity of the tasks to be solved, which is why Systep has a Research and Development area in charge of the development of models and flexible computational tools to help our customers solve their problems. These models include tools for determining the hourly operation of an electric power system, generation and transmission expansion models for large systems as well as for microgrids or mining /industrial /commercial projects of various sizes, incorporation of storage systems in operation and expansion models, and distribution system analysis models that incorporate new decentralized technologies.