Source: Electricidad Magazine
According to the consultancy’s monthly report, the bill could cause uncertainty “whether market price signals will be sufficient for investors to materialize these projects”.
“The authority shall monitor the effective development of storage”, both to achieve carbon neutrality goals and for the necessary price security and efficiency needed by the electricity system.”
This is stated in the latest monthly report of Systep Ingeniería, which addresses the bill that promotes energy storage, noting that “there is still uncertainty as to whether the market price signals will be sufficient for investors to materialize these projects”.
“The bill is going in the right direction. The participation of independent storage systems in the electricity market will contribute to a better use of variable NCRE (particularly solar and wind), since they will allow displacing low-cost generation to times of greater stress for the system (evening and night),” the document states.
“In addition, it makes it possible to reduce waste at the subsystem level, allowing the storage of excess energy that exceeds the capacity of the transmission system at certain times of the day; at the global level, it reduces waste due to its capacity to store the energy that cannot be injected as a result of the operation at the technical minimum of the thermal power plants,” the document states.
“On the other hand, these systems could contribute to mitigate short-term effects due to energy shortage scenarios resulting from future water crisis problems and/or low gas availability, being a more sustainable and eventually lower cost alternative in the long term than injection by diesel fuel plants,” it concludes.