May 2024 Electricity Monthly Report
This month's editorial entitled: "Bidding 2023/01: Was it really positive for regulated customers?" shows and discusses the results of the last supply bidding for regulated customers.
This month's editorial entitled: "Bidding 2023/01: Was it really positive for regulated customers?" shows and discusses the results of the last supply bidding for regulated customers.
This month's editorial entitled "Lowering the limit to opt for free customer: beyond the headline" analyzes the proposal to lower the power limit to opt for the free customer modality.
The March editorial entitled "Medium-sized Systems Bill: good intentions" analyzes the bill introduced on January 30, 2024.
The February editorial entitled "Tariff Normalization Bill: What does it really solve?" analyzes the bill introduced on January 16, 2024.
In the January editorial there is a critical analysis of the Energy Transition Bill, focusing on the indications presented by the Senate Mining and Energy Commission and the Executive on January 12, 2024. The main modifications are examined and their potential consequences in the electricity sector are discussed.