A seminar organized by the CNE and the Catholic University delivered its preliminary conclusions on this issue, in what was the first working group between the public and private sectors to advance in this matter, as contemplated in the Energy Agenda.
First ideas to modify the power transmission system emerge
Important conclusions for improving the electricity transmission system were reached at the seminar organized by the National Energy Commission and the Catholic University on “The future of transmission and the regulatory changes required”, which is part of the participatory working groups included in the Energy Agenda.
The conclusions of the first discussion block, on “Expansion of the network, free access and remuneration”, were presented by Hugh Rudnick, an academic from the Catholic University and director of Systep, who explained that the main conclusions of the attendees were to make significant improvements in electricity transmission and sub-transmission, extending the timeframes of the planning processes in this area.
There was also talk of incorporating mechanisms in the CDECs to favor associativity between different energy developers. Another topic discussed was remuneration in the transmission system, where attendees spoke about the fact that remuneration cannot distort long-term development and advance in mechanisms for the State to enter into the development of transmission corridors.
Daniel Olivares, an academic from the Catholic University, mentioned the conclusions of the block “Security, technologies, continuity and quality of service”, where he highlighted the ideas put forward for updating regulations in the event of catastrophes, speeding up the legislative process, educating society about the transmission system and the transparency of information.
Other issues were the need to allocate targeted funds for research in this area, together with the modernization of the monitoring and information control systems in the transmission system, supervision in accordance with international standards and that the CDEC complies with the Transparency Law.