The Systep Team is pleased to present the Monthly Report of the Chilean Electricity Sector (in Spanish).

This edition of the Report addresses a revision of the regulatory aspects of quality of service in distribution grids of the country. In particular, it describes the indicators through which it is verified the fulfillment of the normative requirements and the tariff recognition of the investments in quality of service that distribution companies make, and also addressing the issue of regulatory challenges and of planning to increase the reliability of distribution grids against unforeseen circumstances.

We expect that this report will be a contribution to the electricity industry, where we also review the following information:

Analysis of the operation of each interconnected system.
Systep 12-months spot price forecast (SIC and SING).
Summary by companies.
Auction prices.
Non-Conventional Renewable Energies.
Regulatory monitoring.
Projects in Environmental Impact Assessment.

Its distribution is performed monthly.
If you want to send us any comments please let us know at


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