The Systep Team is pleased to present the Monthly Report of the Chilean Electricity Sector (in Spanish).

This month’s editorial addresses tender 2021/01. The tenders since 2014 have been a success in lowering prices with the help of renewable projects, which is evident in the latter process. However, there is concern about the lack of complementarity in the long term with new manageable energy plants (gas, storage, etc.), as well as the risk that projects with very low prices will not materialize.

Additionally, the Electricity Market Report’s statistics are available to download in Excel format from our statistics website. Through this, we seek to facilitate the community’s access to relevant information related to the electricity sector. For that, we monthly collect and organize the most relevant data of the National Electric System:

Analysis of the operation of each interconnected system.
Systep 12-months spot price forecast.
Summary by companies.
Auction prices.
Non-Conventional Renewable Energies.
Regulatory monitoring.
Projects in Environmental Impact Assessment.

Its distribution is performed monthly. If you want to send us any comments, please let us know at

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