The Systep Team is pleased to present the Monthly Report of the Chilean Electricity Sector (in spanish)

This month’s editorial addresses the 2020 demand, the impact it had due to the pandemic and how this affected the various customers in the system. Regulated customers experienced a contraction in demand (-4.2%), with a modified demand profile in the morning hours and increased levels of overcontracting in the system. Growth of 3.5% was seen in free customers, with a flatter demand profile than perceived during 2019.

In addition, the Report and electricity sector statistics are available for download in Excel format from our statistics web portal. Through this measure, we seek to facilitate the community’s access to information related to the electricity sector, for which we compile and organize the most relevant SEN data on a monthly basis:

Analysis of the operation of each interconnected system.
Systep 12-months spot price forecast.
Summary by companies.
Auction prices.
Non-Conventional Renewable Energies.
Regulatory monitoring.
Projects in Environmental Impact Assessment.

Its distribution is performed monthly. If you want to send us any comments, please let us know at