More active participation of the State was part of the conclusions of the panel of experts convened by the CDEC-SIC.
The electricity industry is calling for change
The academic and director of Systep, Hugh Rudnick, was part of the panel of experts convened by the CDEC-SIC. In his analysis, he stated that the role of the State in energy matters should be more present and that it should not be seen as a businessman, independent of the fact that it can use Enap as a tool to facilitate development.
“It is not a demonized State as it has been raised in an interventionist way, the companies are saying that they need the State to define an energy policy. We have an emblematic project that was paralyzed, because a company said -we want to know what society wants- and for that, it is the State that must help that approach to flourish and be identified. It is not a matter of conflict, the industry is asking for a change”, said Rudnick in his presentation.
Regarding the pricing of gas through networks, the academic pointed out that the diagnosis to be made by the minister, and the figures that have been handled at present, require an in-depth analysis. “I think the identification of the problem is good, I think it is very valuable that the World Bank helps to make a good diagnosis, and based on that make the determinations,” he said.