28 February, 2025
February's editorial is entitled "Law on Electricity Transmission: new mechanism for urgent works". It analyzes Law No. 21,721, which expedites the execution of urgent works in the electricity sector. It evaluates the modifications to the LGSE introduced, the investment limits in this mechanism to process urgent works and the possibility for generators to request extensions. The publication highlights both the potential for integrating renewable energies and the risks of additional tolls and higher costs for users.
31 January, 2025
January's editorial is entitled "Critical analysis of the electricity subsidy expansion bill". It reviews the bill that seeks to expand the coverage of the electricity subsidy, addressing its objectives, sources of financing and criticisms of the project, including the need for a reformulation to avoid distortions in the electricity sector and ensure effective support to vulnerable households.
30 October, 2024
October's editorial is entitled "The role of storage systems in carbon neutrality". It addresses the evolution of investment and development costs of BESS storage technology, as well as the characterization of the projects carried out in Chile and the future challenges for the system in this area.
30 September, 2024
September's editorial is entitled "Lack of evaluation of the impacts of public policies in the energy sector". It characterizes residential and non-residential consumption of the Chilean electricity system and then studies the importance of this type of analysis for the implementation of efficient public policies.
31 July, 2024
July's editorial is entitled "The rise of photovoltaic installations in the face of rate hikes" and provides a brief analysis of the reasons why the installation of photovoltaic panels could be an attractive solution for reducing electricity costs.
28 June, 2024
This month's editorial, entitled "Decarbonization in Chile: Challenges and Initiatives", describes the current status of the Decarbonization Plan, detailing the main challenges associated with the retirement of coal-fired power plants and presents the initiatives underway to address these challenges, such as the voltage control tender and the energy transition bill.
31 May, 2024
This month's editorial entitled: "Bidding 2023/01: Was it really positive for regulated customers?" shows and discusses the results of the last supply bidding for regulated customers.
30 April, 2024
This month's editorial entitled "Lowering the limit to opt for free customer: beyond the headline" analyzes the proposal to lower the power limit to opt for the free customer modality.
28 March, 2024
The March editorial entitled "Medium-sized Systems Bill: good intentions" analyzes the bill introduced on January 30, 2024.
29 February, 2024
The February editorial entitled "Tariff Normalization Bill: What does it really solve?" analyzes the bill introduced on January 16, 2024.
31 January, 2024
In the January editorial there is a critical analysis of the Energy Transition Bill, focusing on the indications presented by the Senate Mining and Energy Commission and the Executive on January 12, 2024. The main modifications are examined and their potential consequences in the electricity sector are discussed.
31 August, 2023
The August editorial focuses on the congestion of the Chilean transmission system, highlighting the differences in marginal costs both geographically and temporally, which could potentially be addressed through energy storage systems. While this is presented as an option in the Energy Transition bill of law, the importance of conducting detailed studies to justify it as the best solution for the current issue is emphasized.
31 July, 2023
This month’s editorial analyzes the main measures of the energy transition bill that the Government recently submitted to Congress, addressing both the positive aspects of the project and those that need to demonstrate a cross-cutting benefit for the sector. The need to present technical-economic studies that support the economic efficiency of the proposed measures and their capacity to maximize the social benefit is discussed.
31 May, 2023
May's editorial presents the novelties of the preliminary bases for the 2023/01 auction process, highlighting its advantages and discussing its possible long-term effects, emphasizing the repercussions for regulated costumers.
28 April, 2023
The Systep Team is pleased to present the Chilean Electricity Market Monthly Report for […]
31 January, 2023
The Systep Team is pleased to present the Monthly Report of the Chilean Electricity […]