The Systep Team is pleased to present the Monthly Report of the Chilean Electricity Sector (in spanish)
This month’s editorial analyzes the sufficiency of the high-voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission project planned between northern and center Chile. This project, which would cost final customers around US $ 1,200 million, is necessary for development of renewable generation in the north of the country. However, the project would be insufficient under high renewable penetration scenarios, potentially curbing development of new generation projects. The document proposes several expansion alternatives that the authority could evaluate in detail, as well as potential ways forward to improve planning practices, the strip study regulatory scheme, and the review process of CNE’s expansion plan
Analysis of the operation of each interconnected system.
Systep 12-months spot price forecast.
Summary by companies.
Auction prices.
Non-Conventional Renewable Energies.
Regulatory monitoring.
Projects in Environmental Impact Assessment.
Its distribution is performed monthly.
If you want to send us any comments please let us know at reporte@systep.cl